False myths about cancer that you must banish

Cancer is possibly the disease about which most hoaxes circulate on the internet and social networks. Who has not heard, for example, of  ‘superfoods’ that cure everything  , miraculous therapies and many other misconceptions such as that negative emotions can be the origin of this disease? 

The problem with popular myths is that they can generate false expectations or unfounded fears that, in addition to misinforming us, put our health at risk. That is why, from the  Spanish Association Against Cancer  we invite you to banish once and for all those harmful beliefs that still exist around cancer. 

Does cancer cause stress?

No . Studies that have been carried out to determine if there is a direct connection between stress and cancer have not shown any relationship between the two. Cancer prognosis depends on a number of factors such as location, extent, and rate of growth. Also the previous state of health and the response of the body to treatment, that is, there is no cause-effect relationship.
What is true is that an optimal state of mind helps to better cope with the disease and its treatments from a psychological point of view.

Does cancer hurt?

Possibly not.    Cancer does not have to hurt. The appearance of pain depends on the area where the tumor is located. But, in any case, there are a large number of pain treatment options that control, in a very high percentage of cases, patient discomfort.

Does coffee cause cancer?

False.     Years ago, a scientific study linked coffee intake to an increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer. However, multiple studies in recent years have found no relationship with coffee and an increased risk of cancer; some works even show benefits and a possible protective role against colon cancer.

Do electromagnetic waves cause cancer?

False.    There are numerous studies showing that it cannot be concluded that a relationship exists.

Are the additives carcinogenic?

No.     Additives are present in a very varied number of foods, but in very small quantities (according to the existing regulations). It can be indicated that the authorized additives are not harmful to health, since they are used at doses in which no type of toxicity or danger occurs, even if consumed excessively.

Does chemotherapy kill more than cure?

It is not true.      The  chemotherapy   will destroy cells that have an abnormal or very fast growth are malignant. But we have cells in our body that reproduce at a very fast rate as well, which are not cancerous and are frequently affected (blood cells, for example). In addition, chemotherapy can have side effects that sometimes produce limitations and limiting symptoms and that is why we show more discomfort.

Is cancer contagious?

Never.      Cancer is not an infectious disease, so it cannot be spread from one person to another. However, when you have certain infectious diseases like human papilloma virus (HPV) or hepatitis (caused by a virus), there is an increased risk of developing some cancers. 

Also, it is important to remember that cancer is not a lottery and, in many cases, it can be prevented. In fact, up to 50% of cancer cases can be prevented with  healthy lifestyle habits like a balanced diet . 


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