Cancer prevention diet plan

Cancer cannot be safely ruled out with a healthy diet. However, it is indisputable that a balanced diet stabilizes the immune system and can positively influence stress. For their part, stress and a poor immune system are known to increase the risk of cancer. For this reason, it is important to also look at the diet to prevent cancer. But even patients who are already ill should change their diet to support the immune system in the fight against cancer.

Do not underestimate healthy diets against cancer

Anyone can create a cancer nutrition plan for themselves. Personal preferences may be taken into account. The recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organization) serve as a benchmark. This includes avoiding extreme diets as much as possible. It’s not about losing weight, it’s about providing the body with everything it needs. But it is also about relieving him. This can be unusual even for people who actually eat carefully. A cancer diet plan does not mean that sugar or fat should be completely eliminated. However, they should be reduced as far as possible. The good news is that the urge for unhealthy dishes wanes significantly after a while. The positive effects of the nutritional plan are equally evident.

Example of a week’s eating plan

MondaySoaked cereal flakes zucchini soup fruit Scrambled eggs with spinach
TuesdaySmoothie with vegetables Baked eggplants Quark with fruits Avocado with a dip
WednesdayFruit with oatmeal potato casserole Semolina porridge with stevia Paprika pens with dip
Thursdayomelet Chanterelle vegetables with celery Kiwi smoothie Chicory salad
FridayWholemeal bread with cheese and tomato slices Salmon trout with vegetables Milkshake with buttermilk and seasonal fruit tomato soup
Saturdayfruit salad Potato soup fennel salad
Sundaybacked eggs Baked chicken breast Soy milk with fruits Marinated vegetables

There are many options for healthy eating

Make yourself a list of the ingredients you like. Use herbs that are as fresh as possible and use salt and spices sparingly. Orient yourself to tried and tested healthy menus. In addition to the ketogenic diet, this also includes the basic diet and partly also the vegan diet.

You have to consider this with the ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet is one of the low carb diets. So it is low in carbohydrates. But it contains a lot of fats. The theory is that the body can make everything it needs from these nutrients. The fat is converted into ketone bodies in the liver, which provide the necessary energy. That replaces the carbohydrates. It follows that the diet is not suitable for you if your intestines or liver are strained. You can still try it out in parts and test the compatibility. The ketogenic diet does not mean that you are allowed to eat fast food and quick meals. Here you should stay strictly with yourself. The ketogenic diet is prepared with the best quality fresh ingredients. The menu then includes: meat, fish, nuts, healthy oils and eggs, as well as vegetables. This includes above all all green vegetables and tomatoes.

That is the basic diet

When it comes to basic nutrition, you should avoid acid donors. The diet is considered healthy and is well suited to prevent cancer. It is also suitable for everyone who is already ill and wants to relieve their body. The list of permitted foods is long. Finished products, alcohol, smoked meat, aged cheese, eggs and most dairy products should be deleted. Oatmeal, corn, green tea, basic pasta, mushrooms, Chinese cabbage and many types of fruit are recommended.

Vegan diet

The vegan diet is also an important topic in cancer therapy. This is also due to the fact that there is constant discussion about whether meat and dairy products increase the risk of cancer. A vegan diet can include: B. can be useful for cancer of the intestine and liver. For many people, going vegan means making a significant change. Cancer clinics mostly strive to comply with these wishes. In the vegan diet, all ingredients that are of animal origin are deleted. This also includes eggs as binders, honey, gelatin and animal fats. The vegan cuisine is extremely tasty and rich in vitamins when carefully prepared. She also likes to use exotic spices and plants. The advantage is that the variety of tastes can motivate you to eat. This is especially important for patients

Do not compulsorily follow a nutritional plan

Especially in the case of existing cancer, those affected or their relatives should not necessarily follow the nutritional plan. The nutritional plan can significantly support health maintenance. But it does not cure cancer. Nevertheless, it can help the patient to stay strong. In the case of severe weight loss and serious illness crises, the main concern for recovery is that the patient eats and drinks at all.


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